Lookfor this symbol to indicate importantsafety precautions.This symbolindicates: "Attention! Become _ Alert! Your Safety is At Risk."

Before operatingyour snow thrower, read the safety decals as shown on yoursnow thrower. The cautionsand warnings are for yoursafety. To avoid a personalinjuryor damageto

yoursnow thrower, understandand fo ow al the safety decals.


cannotberead,orderreplacementdecalsfromyourARNING:Ifanysafetydecalsbecomewornor damagedandlocaldealer. IJ

Part He. 1737868

Auger ControlDecal


Part Ho. 278297

,.-._. _..::....


Part Ho. 277953

Part No. 1737872


Shift Decal




Part He. 1737870

TractionControl Decal

Amputation hazard

Contactwith moving parts inside chute will Causeserious injury,

=Shut off engine before unclogging dischargechute.

. Use clean-out tool, not hands!

Risque d ,amputation

de la goulotte provoqueradegraveshlessures.

ArrOterle mote,r avant de d_gager la go,lotto d'_jection.

=Utiliser I'outilded_gagement,pas los mains!

Part Ho. 1737865

ChuteDanger Decal

ProductID Humber&

Serial Humber Decal

(Rear of Motor Box)

Amputation Hazard

-Contact with a_er will cause seri{}us injury.

_eep hands, leet and _lothing away.

Keep hys_aneers away.

Thrown Objects


=Heverdirectffischarge _h_tetowardspers_ns _rproperly.


man_ailor_perating and


Shutoff engine aed

remove key before pertorming maintenance or rep_irwork.

Risque d'amputation


tafl_re provoqeera de


et vgtemenls _ _is_ance.

Tenir vos pieds, vos mai_s ° Ten[_ les spect_teurs


_i ;_.OangerobjetspHe i rnals dlri erla_ojet_s

chute en dire_tio_ des

pe_sonnes ou biefl_


s_,_ril_ et d'_tilisationduns Lireiles¢o_si_esde

le manuel _rutiJi_tio0.

_-_ _,_Arrgter le moteur eI retirerla cld avant


outo_tet_p_ration. ,,,_

Part Ho. 1737866

Auger Danger Decal

Safety Decals

Figure I

Page 9
Image 9
Craftsman C950-52943-0 owner manual Auger ControlDecal EngineDecals Part Ho, Part Ho Shift Decal, TractionControl Decal