The <Advanced CMOS Setup> option consists of configuration entries that allow you to improve your system performance, or let you set up some system features according to your preference. Some entries here are required by the CPU board’s design to remain in their default settings.
(C) 1999 American Megatrends, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Quick Boot | Enabled |
1st Boot Device | Floppy |
2nd Boot Device | |
3rd Boot Device | CDROM |
4th Boot Device | Disabled |
Try Other Boot Devices | Yes |
Floppy Access Control | |
Hard Disk Access Control | |
S.M.A.R.T. for Hard Disks | Enabled |
BootUp | On |
Floppy Drive Swap | Disabled |
Floppy Drive Seek | Disabled |
PS/2 Mouse Support | Enabled |
Typemaice Rate | Fast |
System Keyboard | Absent |
Primary Display | VGA/EGA |
Password Check | Setup |
Boot to OS/2 > 64MB | No |
Wait For ‘F1’If Error | Disabled |
Hit ‘DEL’ Message Display | Enabled |
Internal Cache | WriteBack |
External Cache | WriteBack |
Cache Bus Ecc | Enabled |
System BIOS Cacheable | Enabled |
C000, 16k Shadow | Enabled |
C400, 16k Shadow | Enabled |
C800, 16k Shadow | Enabled |
CC00, 16k Shadow | Disabled |
D000, 16k Shadow | Disabled |
D400, 16k Shadow | Disabled |
D800, 16k Shadow | Disabled |
DC00, 16k Shadow | Disabled |
Available Options :
ESC:Exit :Sel
Advanced CMOS Setup
Quick Boot
This category speeds up the <Power On Self Test> (POST) after you power on the computer. If it is set to Enabled, the BIOS will shorten or skip some check items during POST.
1st Boot Device 2nd Boot Device 3rd Boot Device 4th Boot Device
These options determine where the system looks first for an operating system.
Try Other Boot Devices
If you have other bootup device other than the above mentioned devices, such as
Floppy Access Control
This option determines the floppy access method, which can be either read only or normal (read/write). When set to read only, the data in the floppy is allowed to be read instead of being written.” Normal” allows the floppy to be read or written.
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