Installing the VoIP Intercom 17

Configure the Intercom Parameters

Figure 2-13. Home Page

3.On the Home Page, review the setup details and navigation buttons described in Table 2-5.

Table 2-5. Home Page Overview
Web Page ItemDescription



Device Name

Shows the device name.



Serial #

Device serial number.



Ethernet Address

Device ethernet address.



IP Addressing

Shows the current IP addressing setting (DHCP or static).



IP Address

Shows the current IP address.



Subnet Mask

Shows the current subnet mask address.



Default Gateway

Shows the current default gateway address.



DNS Server 1

Shows the current DNS server 1address.



DNS Server 2

Shows the current DNS server 2address.



Speaker Volume (0-9)

Shows the current volume level.



Microphone Gain (0-9)

Shows the current microphone gain level.



Primary Dial-Out

Shows the current primary dial-out number




Link to the Intercom Setup web page.




Link to the Network Setup web page.



Operations Guide


CyberData Corporation