that the key selected is set to the same key as other devices on the network.
7.How can I troubleshoot distance issues using the DWL-520+.
•Move the
•Change the channel of the Access Point.
•Move devices within the line of sight.
8.How do I use the 4x feature?
•In the Configuration Utility, click on Configuration. Check the 4x Enable box.
•To use the 4x feature, you must use a
7.Networking Basics
Using the Network Setup Wizard in Windows XP
In this section you will learn how to establish a network at home or work, using Microsoft Windows XP.
Note: Please refer to websites such as and for information about networking computers using Windows 2000, ME or 98.
Go to Start > Control Panel > Network Connections
Select Set up a home or small office network
When this screen appears, click Next.