Venue Window Menu
The Window Menu manages the main Venue View window. It provides you with the following options:
NNeewwadds a new Venue View to the main window.
NNeeww HHoorriizzoonnttaall GGrroouupptiles the tab groups horizontally.
NNeeww VVeerrttiiccaall GGrroouupptiles the tab groups vertically.
CClloossee CCuurrrreennttcloses the selected window tab.
CClloossee AAllllcloses all window tabs except the primary Venue View.
Venue Help Menu
The Help Menu provides links to the Help File with different ways to find information; it also provides
information about System Architect and the various .dll files that are compiled within it.
29Software Operation Section 4
DriveRack®4800/4820 User Manual