Memory address | During memory test, | Faulty or improperly |
line failure at | value read at address | seated DIMMs or defec- |
address, read | was incorrect. | tive system board. |
value expecting |
value |
Memory data line |
failure at |
address, read |
value expecting |
value |
Memory double |
word logic fail- |
ure at |
address, read |
value expecting |
value |
Memory odd/even |
logic failure at |
address, read |
value expecting |
value |
Memory write/read |
failure at |
address, read |
value expecting |
value |
Memory alloca- | Software in use con- | Faulty application pro- |
tion error | flicts with operating | gram or utility. |
| system, application pro- |
| gram, or utility. |
Memory tests | Memory test did not | POST memory test ter- |
terminated by | complete. | minated by user pressing |
keystroke |
| <Spacebar>. |
Network card is | System does not detect | Incorrect NIC drivers |
not present in | NIC. | installed. |
the system |
No boot device | System does not recog- | Faulty diskette, diskette/ |
available | nize diskette drive or | tape drive subsystem, |
| ||
| which it is trying to | drive subsystem, or no |
| boot. | boot disk in drive A. |
Beep Codes and Error Messages |