Menu and Submenus Description
Preset Mode
Standard: Default color settings. This is the default preset mode.
Multimedia: Ideal for multimedia applications.
Movie: Ideal for movies.
Game: Ideal for most gaming applications.
Text: Ideal for office
Warm: Increases the color temperature. The screen appears warmer with a red/yellow tint.
Cool: Decreases the color temperature. The screen appears cooler with a blue tint.
Custom Color: Allows you to manually adjust the color
settings. Press the and
buttons to adjust the Red, Green, and Blue values and create your own preset color mode.
Image Enhance
Automatically sharpen images, enhance hues, and boost color contrast to enhance image clarity.
NOTE: Image Enhance is only available for Standard, Multimedia, Movie, and Game modes.
Shift color of video image to green or purple. Use this setting to achieve the desired flesh tone. Use or
to adjust the hue from 0 to 100.
Hue | Press | to increase the green shade. |
Press to increase the purple shade.
NOTE: Hue adjustment is available only for Movie and
Game mode.