Chapter 3 Element Function|ScrEdit Software User Manual
Revision Apr. 30th, 2007, 2007PDD23000002 3-21
3.4 Bar Element
Fig. 3.4.1 Bar element options
Table 3.4.1 Property Description of Bar Element
Property Description of Normal Bar Element
HMI reads the value of the corresponding PLC specific address (register) and converts the value to normal
bar element and then displays it on the screen.
Read Address The address can be internal memory or the controller address. (Please refer to Table
3.2.2 Property Description of General Buttons.)
Text / Text Size
Font / Text Color
The user can set the text, text size, font and text color that provided by Windows®
to determine the text display on the element. (Please refer to Table 3.2.2 Property
Description of General Buttons.)
Border Color It is used to set the border color of the normal bar element.
Foreground Color
Background Color
It is used to set the foreground and background color of the normal bar element. For
example, the foreground color of the following example bar element is green and its
background color is yellow.
Standard Raised Sunken Style
Left The display progressing direction is from right to the left.
Right The display progressing direction is from left to the right.
Top The display progressing direction is from bottom to the top.
Display Format
Botom The display progressing direction is from top to the bottom.
There are 16bits Word and 32bits
Double Word two options.
There are following data format
Word/Double Word
1. BCD
2. Signed BCD
3. Signed Decimal
4. Unsigned Decimal
5. Hex