Jumper JP12
Password/CMOS Clear
If you set a password in the CMOS “Password Setting”
option and forgot your password, you can use the CMOS
Clear function to return the CMOS back to default and reset
your password.
To reset your password, first power off the computer and set
pins 2-3 to On. Wait at least one minute and set pins 1-2 to
On, then turn on your computer. The password has now been
cleared and the CMOS is back to its default. You may enter a
new password and/or change to a new setting.
Jumper JP13
Flash EPROM Type
Set JP13 pins 1-2 to On if you are using a 5V Flash EPROM
(29F010/29EE010). Set pins 2-3 to On if you are using a
12V Flash EPROM (28F010).