2003 Sarena Bay™
Export Owner’s Manual
9.Open and remove the two bleeder valves. One is located in the skimmer area to the right side of the Top Side
Control and the other one is located across the spa in the UltraPure™ area on the left side of the Top Side Control. This will allow air to escape from the pumps.
10.Remove the cap from the UltraPure™ canister and the filter basket from the Weir Skimmer canister.
UltraPure™/Filter | Weir Skimmer/Filter |
11.Then remove the foam blocks securing each filter.
12.Next, remove the
filters from the Weir Skimmer and UltraPure™ canisters and fill your hot tub
by placing a hose through the empty UltraPure™ canister on the left side of the Top Side Control.
13.Fill the spa until the water level is slightly below the bottom of the OptiMount™ located next to the Skimmer/Filter Basket on the right side of Top Side Control.
14.Once the spa is full, turn on the circuit breaker (not supplied by Dimension One Spas). Flashing dashed lines will appear for 30 seconds on the Digital Display Window followed by the current water temperature (flashing).