Now, lock it
Once you’ve set the restrictions you want, choose Lock Now from the left menu. You’ll be directed
to create a passcode (which you’ll want to make easy enough to remember, but hard enough that the
little ones won’t guess it!).  is passcode will be your entry to unlocki ng and adjusting limitations
in the future.
An onscreen message will appear w henever anyone tries to tune to a channel or program that ha s
been restricted, or attempts to spend or watch beyond limitations set . He or she will not be allowed
to proceed without the passcode. Using your passcode, you can e asily override the limits.
Let me in…!
Temporarily or permanently unlocking a restriction is e asy. To temporarily unlock a particular
1) When any controls are currently activated, Unlock Now w ill appear if you try to tune to a
restricted program.
2) Select Unlock Now and enter the password.
For more unlock options:
1) Pr e ss M E NU , th e n SE L EC T Parental Controls.
Locked Unlocked Temporarily
Parental Controls
Chapter 3 43
The Parental Cont rol icon in the
Channel Banner will tell you i f the
receiver is locked, temporarily
unlocked, or unlocked.