28 | Setting parental controls |
U.S. TV ratings
All | All ratings are blocked |
FV | Fantasy violence |
L | Adult language |
S | Sexual situations |
V | Violence |
D | Sexually suggestive dialog |
U.S. movie (MPAA) ratings | |
None | Movie not rated |
G | General audiences |
PG | Parental guidance |
| suggested |
Suitable for children 13 and | |
| older |
R | Parental guidance |
| suggested for children |
| under 17 |
Not suitable for children | |
| under 17 |
X | Adults only |
Canadian English ratings | |
E | Exempt programming |
C | Children |
C8+ | Children over 8 years old |
G | General audiences |
PG | Parental guidance |
14+ | Over 14 years old |
18+ | Adult programming |
Canadian French ratings | |
E | Exempt programming |
G | General audiences |
8 ans+ | Over 8 years old |
13 ans+ | Over 13 years old |
16 ans+ | Over 16 years old |
18 ans+ | Adult programming |
1Press MENU. The
2Press or to highlight Settings. The Settings
menu opens. Press or ENTER/ to access the menu.
3Press or to highlight Parental Controls, then press ENTER/.
Open Source Notice
Reset to Default
4The Enter Password screen opens. Use the number
buttons to enter your password.
5The Parental Controls
If you select Canadian Parental Locks, the language preference screen opens. Press or to highlight your preferred language, then press ENTER/ .
6Press or to highlight TV (for TV programs), or MPAA (for movies), then press ENTER/.
7The ratings screen opens. For TV rating, press
or to highlight the rating you want to block, then press ENTER/. That rating and all other higher ratings are blocked.