STOPPING ENGINE1.Release Throttle. Allow engine to idle down and blades stop moving with throttle trigger disengaged.
2.Release "Ignition/Idle Interlock - Move "Stop Switch" to STOP position.
The engine does not stop when idle start lever is released and throttle trigger is engaged. Release throttle trigger and allow engine to idle down and blades stop moving before releasing idle start interlock lever, otherwise serious personal injury may result.
If engine does not stop during step 2, close choke - COLD START position - to stall engine. Have your ECHO dealer repair Stop Switch before using hedge clipper again or serious personal injury may result.
MAINTENANCEYour ECHO product is designed to provide many hours of trouble free service. Regular scheduled maintenance will help achieve that goal. If you are unsure or are not equipped with the necessary tools, you may want to take your unit to an ECHO Service Dealer for maintenance. To help you decide whether you want to
Level 1 = Easy to do. Most required tools come with unit.
Level 2 = Moderate difficulty. Some specialized tools may be required.
Level 3 = Experience required. Specialized tools are required.
ECHO offers REPOWERTM Maintenance Kits and Parts to make your maintenance job easier. Just below each task heading are listed the various part numbers required for that task. See your ECHO dealer for these parts.