Set up the projector and project image on the screen.
1.Loosen the Focus Lock Screw on the projection lens.
2.Rotate the projection lens to obtain a proper focus on the center area of the screen.
When the distance of the screen and lens is one
(1)meter, set the ● mark (yellow) of the lens on the Focus Lock Screw position.
3. Lock the Focus Lock Screw securely.
When the proper focus is not observed at the outer area of the screen, proceed with the following adjustments.
4.Loosen the Focus Lock Ring on the projection lens. (Turn the Lock Ring
5.Rotate the lens to obtain a proper focus on the outer area of the screen.
6.Lock the Focus Lock Ring securely. (Turn the Lock Ring clockwise.)
If the proper focus is not observed over the entire screen, repeat the above adjustments
●mark (yellow)
Focus Lock Ring
Focus Lock Screw
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