| English |
"StartCmdLineArgs"="/L "ConnectionName"" ......... | Command argument to connect to a |
| WTS |
"StartExe"="WFICACE" ............................. | Fixed – Command (executable file) |
| to connect to a WTS |
"ScreenPercent"="100" ............................ | Fixed – Assign the ratio of the |
| |
| Window of the WTS. |
"Description"="ConnectionName" ................... | Name displayed on the Connection |
| Manager |
"Address"="TerminalServerAddress" ................ | IP address or full domain name of |
| the Meta Frame Server |
(Web Connection) |
Registry | Value |
"SetupWizardEnabled"=dword:0 ..................... | Specifies whether starting up “WBT |
| Setup Wizard” or not. (0; not |
| starting up, 1; starting up) |
Registration\Web\Connections\Web1] |
"StartCmdLineArgs"="URL" ......................... | Specifies the URL (including |
| http://) to access. |
Registry | Value |
"EnableAutoConnect"=dword:1 ...................... | Specifies whether to |
| enable/disable automatic |
| connection. (0;disable, 1;enable) |
"ConnectionDefaultKey"="ConnectionName" .......... | Specify connection information |
| name of the automatic connection. |
"ConnectionDefaultType"="RDP" .................... | Specify the type of the automatic |
| connection. (The type is RDP, |
| ICA, or Web.) |
*1 One entry name can be set at the Administration Console function.