Type of meat Quantity Oven function Shelf
ture °C
Half chicken 400 - 500 g
ROTITHERM 1190 - 210 0:35 - 0:50
chicken, poulard 1 - 1,5 kg ROTITHERM 1190 - 210 0:45 - 1:15
Duck 1.5 - 2 kg ROTITHERM 1180 - 200 1:15 - 1:45
Goose 3.5 - 5 kg ROTITHERM 1160 - 180 2:30 - 3:30
Turkey 2.5 - 3.5 kg ROTITHERM 1160 - 180 1:45 - 2:30
Turkey 4 - 6 kg ROTITHERM 1140 - 160 2: 30 - 4:00
Fish ( steamed)
Type of meat Quantity Oven function Shelf
ture °C
Whole fish 1 - 1,5 kg CONVEN-
1210 - 220 0:45 - 1:15
Always use the grilling function with maximum temperature setting
Always grill with the oven door closed
Always pre-heat the empty oven with the grill functions for 5 minutes.
Set the shelf in the shelf level as recommended in the grilling table.
Always set the pan to collect the fat into the first shelf level.
Grill only flat pieces of meat or fish.
To see which oven function you must use please refer to the oven functions list in Daily
use chapter.
Food to grill Shelf level Time
1st side 2nd side
Burgers 48 - 10 mins. 6 - 8 mins.
Pork fillet 410 - 12 mins. 6 - 10 mins.
Sausages 48 - 10 mins. 6 - 8 mins.
Filet steaks, veal steaks 46 - 7 mins 5 - 6 mins.
Filet of beef, roast beef
( approximately 1 kg)
310 - 12 mins. 10 - 12 mins.
34 - 6 mins. 3 - 5 mins.
Toast with topping 36 - 8 mins. -------
1) Do not pre-heat
Helpful hints and tips 17