Electrolux EOC65101 user manual What to do if …, Problem Possible cause Remedy

Models: EOC65101

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52 electrolux what to do if …

What to do if …


Possible cause





The oven does not heat up

The oven has not been

Switch on the oven


switched on



The clock has not been set to

Set the clock to the current


the current time



The required settings have not

Check the settings


been set



The ovenís safety cut-out has

See Oven Safety Cut-out


been triggered



The house wiring fuse (in the

Check fuse If the fuses trip


fuse box) has tripped

several times, please call a



qualified electrician

The oven lighting is not operat-

The oven light bulb is faulty

Replace oven bulb




The pyrolysis function is not

Side rails/oven shelf runners

Remove side rails/oven shelf

working (“C1“ is shown in the

have not been removed


time display)



F2 appears in the clock display

Door not properly closed or

Close door properly;


door lock defective

Turn the appliance off and on



again via the house fuse or the



safety switch in the fuse box;



If displayed again, please con-



tact the Customer Care De-




An error code not listed above

Electronic error

Switch the appliance off and

appears in the time display


on again by way of the house



wiring fuse or the circuit



breaker in the fuse box.



If the display appears again,



please contact customer serv-







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Electrolux EOC65101 user manual What to do if …, Problem Possible cause Remedy