electrolux integrated barbecue installation instructions 7
så &ORåROASTINGåHOODåMODELSåTHEREåISåAåSPECIlCåCLEARANCEå required at the back of the barbecue between the splashback and the bench
så 4HISåAPPLIANCEåREQUIRESåVENTINGå!NåOPENåAREAåASå indicated below must be allowed for. A suitable grille can be fitted if desired. This vent area is to allow air into the enclosure for the correct combustion of gases and for the correct exhausting of the products of combustion. In the case of LPG the gas is heavier than air, this vent in the situation where there may be a leak allows the gas to escape from the enclosure. This vent must be 700mm x 25mm minimum and positioned centrally 135mm below the mounting surface. (see diagram).
bench width 600mm min.
553mm |
bench |
464mm |
| wall |
| 562mm |
42mm | bench |
| |
177mm | |
25mm | 73mm min. |
| from |
| minimum clearance to back wall |
| 943mm |
| 1058mm |
589mm |
538mm | wall | 453mm | 601mm |
| |||
211mm |
bench | bench |
177mm |
| 56mm |
| |
| 73mm min. | |
25mm |
| from | |
464mm |
| minimum clearance to back wall | ||
925mm |
| |
538mm | 526mm |
1058mm |
| |
| |
| splashback |
600mm min. | 1025mm |
135mm | 1025mm x 502 |
| |
| 502mm |
25mm | |
| 700mm |
600mm min. | 1025mm |
| |
135mm | 1025mm x 502 |
| |
25mm | 502mm |
| 700mm |
Island style installation | Installation in a bench with splashback |
(example shown with barbecue with slimline line) | (example shown with barbecue with roasting hood) |