manual Operation
• Supposeyo u want to defrost fo r 5 minutes at
Step Touc h
1. Enter defrosting time. 005
2. Touch power level and
number 3.
3. Touch START.
You can program up to 4 automatic cooking
sequences. Follow directions on page 30.

Manual defrost

If the food that you wish to defrost is not listed on the
Defrost chart or is above or be low the limits in the
“Amount” column on the Defrost chart , you need to
defrost manually.
You can defrost any frozen food, either raw or previ-
ously cooked, by using Power level 3. Follow the
exact 3-step procedure found under Time cooking.
Estimate defrosting time and touch 3 for 30% when
you select the power level.
For either raw or previously cooked frozen food the
rule of thumb is approximately 5 minutes per pound.
For example, defrost 5 minutes for 1 pound of frozen
spaghetti sauce.
Always stop the oven p eriodica lly to remo ve or
separate the por tions that are defrosted. If food is
not defrosted at the end of the estimated defrosting
time, program the oven in 1 minute increments on
power level 3 until totally defrosted.
When using plastic containe rs fro m the freezer,
defrost only long enough to remove from the plastic
in order to place in a microwave-safe dish.

Time cooking

Your Convection microwave Oven can be pro-
grammed for 99 minutes 99 seconds (99.99). Always
enter the seconds after the minutes, even if they are
both zeros.
• Suppose  you wan t to co ok for  5 minu tes at
Step Touc h
Enter cooking time.1. 005
Touch 2. START.

To set power level

There are eleven preset power levels.
Using lower power levels increases the cooking time
which is rec ommended for foods such as cheese,
milk and long slow cooking of meats.
Touch power
level pad once
then touch
Percentage of
words for
Power level 100% High
9 90%
8 80%
7 70% medium High
6 60%
5 50% medium
4 40%
3 30% med Low/
2 20%
1 10% Low
0 0%