Your oven has convenient pads to assist with meal
preparation. The Auto Cook settings will automatically
compute the correct cook ing time and microwave
power level for foods shown in the following charts.
• Supposeyouwanttoheat1cupofwater.
Step Touc h
Touch 1. beverage pad.
Enter cups by touching 2.
the number pads 1 and 0. 1
Touch 3. START.
Auto Cook chart
foo d Amount Procedure
Pizza 1 - 6 slices
(6 - 8 oz)
Use this setting to reheat refrigerated leftover pizza, 1 slice is a pproxi-
mately 1/8th of a 12-inch pizza or 1/12th of a 16-inch pizza. If possible,
place on paper towel on a microwave-safe rack. Touch pizza pad, enter
number of slices, and touch STAR T.
Beverage 0.5 - 2.0 cups This setting is good for restoring a cool beverage to a better drinking
temperature. Stir liquid briskly before and after heating to avoid "eruption".
The beverage setting must be entered in 0.5 cup measurements.
All Auto Cook settings can be programmed 1.
with more or less time adjustment. Touch
the power level pad once or twice before
touching STAR T pad. See page 30 - more
or less adjustment.
Each food has a cooking hint. Touch 2. user
pref pad w hen the HELP indicator is lighted
in the display.
Should you attempt to enter more or less 3.
than the allowed amount, an error message
will appear in the display.
more or le ss tha n the quant ity listed in
the chart should be cooked fol lowing the
guidelines in any microwave cookbook.
The final cooking result will vary according 4.
to the food condition (e.g. initial temperature,
shape, quality). Check food for temperature
after cooking. If additional time i s needed,
continue to cook manually.
Auto Cook