manual Convection and Automatic mix Cooking manual Convection and Automatic mix Cooking


Preheating is automatic when the broil set ting
is used. Only a ctual cooking time is entered; the
oven signals when it is preheated to 450˚F. Oven
temperature cannot be changed. Use Broil setting
for steaks, chops, chicken pieces and many other
• Supp ose you w ant to br oil a ste ak for 15
Step Touc h
Touch 1. broil.
Enter cooking time by 2.
touching the number pads.

1 5

0 0
Touch 3. START.
Whe n the o ven r eac hes t he pr ogr amm ed
temperature, a signal will sound 1 time.
Open the do or. P lace food in 4.
the oven. Close the door. Touch
If the oven do or is not ope ned, the ov en will
automa ticall y h old at the prehe at temper ature
for 30 mi nute s. Aft er thi s t ime ha s elap sed,
an a udible signa l wil l so und, and the oven will
turn off.


Preheating for broil may ta ke from 7 to 10 1.
minutes depending on temperature of room
and available power.
Although time is usually set for t he maximum 2.
broi lin g t ime , al way s ch ec k fo od a t th e m ini mum
time recommended in the chart of cookbook.
This will eliminate the need to completely
reprogram the oven if additional cooking time is
need ed. Sim pl y cl ose the ove n do or a nd t ouc h
to continue.
Should you need more broiling time, reprogram 3.
within 1 minute of the end to eliminate

Slow Cook

slow cook is p reset at 3 00˚F for 4 hou rs. T he
temperature can be changed to below 30 0˚F. The
cooking time cannot be changed. This feature can
be used for foods such as baked beans or marinated
chuck steak.
• Supposeyouwanttocha ngeoventemperature
from 300˚F to 275˚F.
Step Touc h
Touch 1. slow cook.
Touch 2. slow cook once more if
you want to change the tempera-
ture from 300˚F.
Touch temperature pad.3. 3
275˚ F
Touch 4. STAR T.
The oven cabinet, cavity, door, turntable, turntable
support, ra cks and dishes will become hot. To
PREVEnT BURnS, use thick oven gloves when
removing the food or turntable from the oven.


To program only preheat, touch the 1. START
pad after step 2. Preheating will start. When
the oven reaches the programmed tempera-
ture, follow the indicated message.
To preheat and cook with the same tem-2.
perature, enter same tem perature in steps
2 and 4.