Error code 33, NO INTERLOCK
This error code is generated by the motor control. The motor control must
the motor. This signal is a confirmation that the door is closed and locked.
Motor control receives its commands to rotate the drum from the timer via
a serial communication link between the motor control and timer. Since the
timer also has access to the interlock signal, the timer must never send a
run command to the motor control if the interlock signal is missing. If this
does happen, the ”No interlock” error code will be activated.
The cause of this error code being activated can be e.g. a break in the ca-
ble leading the interlock signal to the motor control. There may also be an
interlock signal. An error in the interlock circuits of the motor control can
also set this error code.
• Useameasuringinstrumenttocheckthattheinterlocksignalcomeson
X302:1-2 when the door lock is activated. Read also bit 1 in the second
byte under ”Motor Status” in the service program (the bits are numbe-
red from 0 to 7 where bit 0 is on the far right). If bit 1 in the second byte
is 1 then the lock is open, while a 0 indicates that the lock is closed.
• Replacethedefectivepartwhenithasbeenlocated.