BM101 CZ-TR 10/16/06 12:18 PM Page 129


Ölçüm verilerin saklanmasý, geri çaðrýlmasý ve silinmesi

a.Veri saklama:

Her kan basýncý ölçümünden sonra ilgili ölçüme ait sistolik, diyastolik, kalp atýþ hýzý verileri otomatik olarak saklanýrlar. En son 48 ölçüm verisi hafýzada saklanabilir. 48. ölçüm verisinden sonra hafýzadaki en eski veri otomatik olarak silinir.

b.Veri çaðýrma:

(1)Eðer hiçbir GERÝ ÇAÐIRMA düðmesine basýldýðýnda ekranda hiçbir veri görünmez. Eðer saklanmýþ veri varsa, en son ölçülen sistolik, diyastolik, kalp atýþ hýzý ölçüm verileri ekranda görünür ve bir dakika sonra kaybolur (60 saniye).

(2)Saklanan ölçüm verilerinin bir sonraki satýrýný okumak için GERÝ ÇAÐIRMA düðmesine bir kez daha basýn. Ekranda geri çaðýrýlan ölçüm verileri buna göre numaralandýrýlmýþtýr. 48 ölçüm verisinin sýrasýna göre görüntülenen saklanmýþ ölçüm verilerini okuduktan sonra, için GERÝ ÇAÐIRMA düðmesine yeniden basýn.

(3)Ölçüm verilerinin görüntülenmesi sýrasýnda okumayý duraklatmak için START/STOP düðmesine basýlmalýdýr.

c.Veri silme

(1)2 pili çýkartýn ve sonra yeniden takýn.

(2)Verilerin silinip silinmediðini test etmek için GERÝ ÇAÐIRMA düðmesine basýn. Eðer silinmiþse ekranda hiçbir veri görünmez.

Pillerin deðiþtirilmesi

Ekranda görünen “ ” simgesi pillerin boþaldýðý anlamýna gelir. Pilleri deðiþtirmek zorundasýnýz, aksi takdirde artýk kan basýncý ölçümü uygulanamaz.

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Elta BM-101 instruction manual Trtr

BM-101 specifications

The Elta BM-101 is an advanced radar system that has gained attention for its state-of-the-art features and capabilities, specifically designed to meet the demands of modern military operations. Developed by Elta Systems, a subsidiary of Israel Aerospace Industries, the BM-101 represents a significant leap in surveillance, targeting, and air defense technology.

One of the key features of the Elta BM-101 is its high-performance phased array radar. This technology allows for continuous scanning and tracking of multiple targets simultaneously, offering a real-time situational awareness that is crucial for modern defense applications. The radar system can detect and track various aerial threats, including fighter jets, drones, and ballistic missiles, making it versatile and suitable for both air and missile defense operations.

The BM-101 is also equipped with advanced signal processing algorithms that enhance its detection capabilities. These algorithms enable the radar to differentiate between genuine threats and other objects, minimizing false alarms and ensuring accurate targeting. This capability is vital in high-pressure military environments where quick decision-making can be the difference between success and failure.

Moreover, the Elta BM-101 boasts a user-friendly interface that simplifies operation for military personnel. The system provides comprehensive data visualization, allowing operators to quickly assess the tactical situation and make informed decisions. Additionally, its modular design allows for seamless integration with other defense systems, enhancing overall operational capability and effectiveness.

Another notable characteristic of the BM-101 is its robust performance in challenging environmental conditions. It can function effectively in various weather scenarios, ensuring reliable operation even in adverse conditions, such as heavy rain or fog. This resilience is essential for maintaining operational readiness in the field.

The system's lightweight and compact design make it highly mobile, allowing for rapid deployment and repositioning according to mission requirements. This mobility is a crucial factor in modern warfare, where the dynamics of the battlefield can change rapidly.

In conclusion, the Elta BM-101 stands out as a cutting-edge radar system that combines advanced technologies, user-friendly operation, and exceptional performance traits. Its ability to provide real-time situational awareness, accurate target tracking, and seamless integration with existing military infrastructure positions it as a vital asset for air defense and surveillance operations in today's complex security environment. As threats evolve, systems like the BM-101 are essential in ensuring the safety and security of military assets worldwide.