UM1M820BNA User Instructions
Issue AH, March 4, 2013 Spec No. 1M820BNA (Model M820B)
Spec No. 1M820DNA (Model M820D)
56 Chapter 2. Operation
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Table 4
Full Alarm Name - WEB
Alarm Name - LCD)
Alarm Description
Action to Correct
DC Fuse Unit Alarms
(DC Fuse Unit)
Fuse 1 Alarm
(Fuse 1 Alarm)
DC output fuse #1 is open.
Find out and eliminate the reason the
fuse is open before replacing. Check
for overload or short circuit. If the fuse
was manually removed, check with the
person that removed it before
reinserting it.
Fuse 10 Alarm
(Fuse 10 Alarm)
DC output fuse #10 is open.
SMDU DC Fuse Alarms (SM-DU Module must be present in system)
(SMDU DC Fuse)
Fuse 1 Alarm
(DC Fuse 1 Alm)
DC output fuse #1 is open.
Find out and eliminate the reason the
fuse is open before replacing. Check
for overload or short circuit. If the fuse
was manually removed, check with the
person that removed it before
reinserting it.
Fuse 16 Alarm
(DC Fuse 16 Alm)
DC output fuse #16 is open.
SMDUP DC Fuse Alarms (SM-DU+ Module must be present in system)
Fuse 1 Alarm
(DC Fuse 1 Alm)
DC output fuse #1 is open.
Find out and eliminate the reason the
fuse is open before replacing. Check
for overload or short circuit. If the fuse
was manually removed, check with the
person that removed it before
reinserting it.
Fuse 25 Alarm
(DC Fuse 25 Alm)
DC output fuse #25 is open.
LVD Unit Alarms (Low voltage disconnect must be present in system)
(LVD Unit)
LVD1 Disconnect
(LVD1 Disconnect)
LVD1 contactor is in disconnect mode.
LVD2 Disconnect
(LVD2 Disconnect)
LVD2 contactor is in disconnect mode.
LVD1 Failure
(LVD1 Failure)
LVD1 contactor has failed.
Check the contactor functions.
Replace the contactor.
LVD2 Failure
(LVD2 Failure)
LVD2 contactor has failed.
SMDU LVD Alarms (SM-DU Module must be present in system)
LVD 1 Disconnected
(LVD 1 Disconn)
LVD1 contactor is in disconnect mode.