UM1M820BNA User Instructions
Issue AH, March 4, 2013 Spec No. 1M820BNA (Model M820B)
Spec No. 1M820DNA (Model M820D)
92 Chapter 3. Local Display Menus
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3.3 Description of Local Display (and Web Interface) Menus Line Items The following are descriptions of the editable parameters presented in the local display menus. Parameter
descriptions can also be used for the WEB Interface menus. Note that the names in the WEB Interface
menus may be longer since the WEB Interface allows more characters to be displayed then the local (LCD)
3.3.1 Settings Menu
Alarm Setting
Alarm Severity Menu
Menu Navigation: Main Menu / Settings / Alarm Setting / Alm Severity
Note: For WEB Interface, menu item is found under Configuration / Signal Information Modification
/ select “Alarm Signal” in “Signal Type” drop-down box.
"Alarm Severity" Parameter Settings:
Use the menus to assign an Alarm Severity Level (none, minor, major, critical) to each
possible alarm.
Alarm Relay Menu
Menu Navigation: Main Menu / Settings / Alarm Setting / Alarm Relay
Note: For WEB Interface, menu item is found under Configuration / Alarm Relays.
"Alarm Relay" Parameter Settings:
Use the menus to assign an alarm relay (for connection of external alarm circuits) to each
possible alarm.
Alarm Param Menu
Menu Navigation: Main Menu / Settings / Alarm Setting / Alarm Param
Note: For WEB Interface; “Block Alarm” menu item is found under Device Information / Power
System / Settings Tab, “Clr Alarm Hist” menu item is found under Maintenance / Clear Data, and
“Alarm Voice” menu item is not available.
"Alarm Param" Parameter Settings:
Alarm Voice: Programs the audible alarm feature.
Off: Disables the audible alarm.
On: When a new alarm occurs, the audible alarm sounds.
Press any key to silence the audible alarm.
3 minutes / 10 minutes / 1 hour / 4 hours: When a new alarm occurs, the audible
alarm sounds. The audible alarm automatically silences after the selected time period.
Block Alarm
Normal: Alarms are processed normally.
Blocked: Forces the alarm relays in the "off" state and blocks alarms from changing
the relay state.
Clr Alm Hist: The only selection for "Clr Alm Hist" is Yes. Once Yes is selected and
confirmed, the alarm history log is cleared.