4-2 Troubleshooting
Tabl e 41describestheLEDindicationsandprovidesrecommendedactionsasappropriate.
Figure 4-1 LANVIEW LEDs
1MGMT LED 3Port 1, RX and TX LEDs
2CPU LED 4Port 2, RX and TX LEDs
Note: The terms flashing, blinking, and solid used in Tabl e 4-1 indicate the following:
Flashing indicates an LED is flashing randomly.
Blinking indicates an LED is flashing at a steady rate (approximately 50% on, 50% off).
Solid indicates a steady LED light. No pulsing.
Alternately indicates an LED is flashing in a steady rate other than 50% on, 50% off.
Table 4-1 LANVIEW LEDs
LED Color State Recommended Action
MGMT None Off. This module is NOT the
Management Module.
Green Solid. This module is the
designated Management