Memory Locations and Replacement Procedures
Matrix DFE-Platinum Series Module Installation Guide B-3

Location of DIMM and DRAM SIMM Memory Modules

Figure B2showsthelocationsoftheDIMMandDRAMSIMMonthemainboard.
DRAM SIMM Replacement Procedure
ToremoveandreplacetheDRAMSIMMonthe7KR4297xx,refertoFigure B3andFigure B4

Removing the DRAM SIMM

1. LocatetheDRAMSIMMconnectoronthemainPCboard.ReferbacktoFigureB2.
2. PushtheconnectorarmsawayfromtheDRAMSIMM,asshowninFigureB3,enoughto
Figure B-2 DIMM and DRAM SIMM Locations
1DIMM 2DRAM SIMM 3Main PC board
Caution: Observe all antistatic precautions when handling sensitive electronic equipment.
Precaución: Al trabajar con equipos electrónicos sensibles, tome todas las precauciones de
seguridad para evitar descargas de electricidad estática.