Wireless Switch Configuration Tasks
2.Press Enter three times, to display a username prompt (Username:), a password prompt (Password:), and then a command prompt such as the following:
(Each switch has a unique system name that contains the model number and the last half of the switch’s MAC address.)
3.Access the enabled level (the configuration level) of the CLI:
4.Press Enter at the Enter password prompt.
5.Type quickstart. The command asks you a series of questions. You can type ? for more help. To quit, press Ctrl+C. The following example code accepts the defaults for system name and country code, and does not configure SSIDs, user information, or distributed access points.
Username: admin Password:
This will erase any existing config. Continue? [n]: y
Answer the following questions. Enter '?' for help. ^C to break out System Name
Country Code [US]:
System IP address []:
System IP address netmask []:
Default route []: Admin username [admin]: Admin password []: admin
Do you wish to set the time? [y]: y
Enter the date (dd/mm/yy) []: 22/05/05
Enter the time (hh:mm:ss) []: 10:03:01
Enter the timezone []: EST
Enter the offset from GMT for 'EST' in hh:mm [0:0]:
Do you wish to configure wireless? [y]: n
success: created keypair for ssh
success: created keypair for admin
success: created
success: remember to save this config
6.Optionally, enable Telnet.
7.Verify the configuration changes.