To stop EPSON Scanner Monitor from loading every time you start Windows, remove the EPSON Scanner Monitor icon from your Startup folder in the Start menu.

Setting Up Monitoring for Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0

The EPSON Scanner Monitor installed with EPSON TWAIN on the PC is automatically enabled and set up to scan with PageManager when you press the Start button.

If you want to disable the EPSON Scanner Monitor for the current computing session, do the following:

1Right-mouse-click the green EPSON Scanner Monitor icon from the Windows Taskbar (located next to the clock).

2Choose Close from the pop-up menu.

To enable monitoring, do the following:

1From the Windows desktop, click Start > Programs > EPSON Scanner > EPSON Scanner Monitor.

You may see a dialog box momentarily appear as EPSON Scanner Monitor establishes communication with the scanner.

2The EPSON Scanner Monitor icon appears on the Windows Taskbar, next to the clock.

Using the Start Button

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