



PageManager is not

Make sure you installed PageManager correctly, as described in the

installed or the scanner

Scanner Basics book. Also make sure the scanner monitoring utility still

monitor isn’t pointing

points to PageManager as the target application for Start button

to it.

scanning. See Enabling Scanner Monitoring for instructions.


If PageManager starts, but you don’t see the EPSON TWAIN window,


make sure the destination program or device you assigned to the Start


button does not suppress the EPSON TWAIN interface. See Assigning a


Destination to the Start Button for details.



When you press the Start button, your system opens programs and scans slowly.





You assigned another

When you set up PageManager to automatically send files scanned with

destination program to

the Start button to another application, scanning may take longer. This is

the Start button in

because your system must use extra resources to open PageManager


and EPSON TWAIN, and then scan your image, process it, and send it


to another application.




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