If you select a program or device for which you suppressed the TWAIN interface, be sure to set PageManager’s scan settings before you press the Start button. See Selecting Scan Button Settings for details.
Assigning a Destination to the Start Button
PageManager is the default destination program for the Start button. To assign another destination to the Start button, follow these steps:
1Open the File menu and select Scan Buttons Setting. You see the Scan Buttons Setting dialog box. Click the Start Button Settings tab.
select the icon for the program or device you want to assign to the Start button
2To change the program or device assigned to the Start button, click its icon in the Select target application box.
3If you want to automatically launch EPSON TWAIN within PageManager when you press the Start button, make sure the Execute Scan Button automatically checkbox is checked.
If you want to launch PageManager and display only the Scan Buttons palette when you press the Start button, click the Execute Scan Button automatically checkbox to uncheck it. You’ll then need to click a button in the Scan Buttons palette to continue with your scan.
4Click OK.
Using the Start Button | Page 71 |