



A system error has

An error condition may have caused your application or the TWAIN


source to stop working correctly. Save any documents in process, close


any open applications, and restart Windows: then start your application


and try again.


Sometimes an error condition may cause the computer to display a


message telling you that your scanner is not recognized. If this happens,


turn the scanner off and then on again; then restart your computer and


try again.



The scanner does not start scanning.





The scanner isn’t

Check if the scanner’s operate light is on. If not, press the Poperate


button. Then restart your computer and try scanning again.

You’re scanning a large

If the image you’re scanning is too large or if your system has a

image and running out

minimum amount of memory installed, you may run out of memory when

of system memory.

you scan. You’ll usually get an error message or your system locks up


when this happens. Reduce the image size or resolution and try


scanning again. If you still can’t scan the image, add more system




If you’ve just scanned a large image in your application and then


immediately scanned another, the application may not have released


the memory allocated for the first image. Close your application, restart


it, and try scanning again. If restarting your application doesn’t solve the


problem, you may need to reboot your computer.




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