The Font Configuration dialog box lists both system fonts and PPD/Installed fonts for your software program. The system fonts are the fonts currently installed on your system. The PPD fonts are those included in the PPD file of your software program. These fonts are automatically downloaded as needed when you send a print job.
You can add any font on your system to a PPD file simply by selecting the system font and then choosing the Add button. The system font is then displayed in the PPD list.
If you install any new fonts on your system and you want those fonts accessible from your software program, you should add them to the PPD list.
To remove any fonts from the PPD list, simply select the PPD font and choose the Remove button
Substituting fontsWhen you turn on Substitute Fonts and then print common Macintosh screen fonts (Geneva, NewYork, and Monaco), EpsonScript automatically substitutes one of its fonts. This results in faster print speed and higher resolution. Be aware that if the substituted font is significantly different from the screen fonts, the printed output might look very different from the way it looks on screen. For this reason, you normally should not turn on Substitute Fonts.
Using EpsonScript in a Macintosh Environment |