
EpsonScript Level 2 for the ActionLaser™ 1600 adds PostScript® compatibility to your ActionLaser 1400 so you can print files formatted for PostScript. The printed output is equivalent to the output of an Apple® LaserWriter® II NTX.

EpsonScript includes a set of 35 PostScript-compatible fonts that include the following: Fixed Pitch 810 Courier, Dutch® 801 Roman, Swiss® 721, Geometric ITC Avant Garde® Revival 711 ITC Bookman,® Swiss 721 Narrow, Century 702 Century Schoolbook,® Zapf Calligraphic 801, ITC Zapf Chancery® Medium Italic, ITC Zapf Dingbats,® and Symbol. Matching screen fonts are also included to ensure that what you see on the screen matches the final printed output.

The quality of grayscale images is enhanced when you use the MicroGray feature, which allows EpsonScript to achieve the quality of a 1200-dpi typesetter to produce smoother graphic output than is available with standard PostScript.

The EpsonScript kit consists of an EpsonScript interface board and two sets of disks, one for the PC and one for the Apple Macintosh.® Your kit might also include the Local Talk® interface board, which allows you to connect the printer to your Macintosh or to an AppleTalk® network.

About This Manual

This manual is intended both for Macintosh and PC users. It is divided up into the following chapters:

Chapter 1, “Setup,” describes how to install the EpsonScript and the LocalTalk interface boards. If these boards are already installed on your printer, skip this chapter. Note that the LocalTalk board needs to be installed only if you have a Macintosh.

Introduction 1