Starting up SlideMaker2 and Converting Files





Verify the following points before creating a scenario.

The data to be combined to create a scenario, such as PowerPoint, image and movie files, must be created in advance.

Only file types listed under "Files that Can be Included in Scenarios" can be used. s p.67

f Scenario creation procedure

Scenarios are created with the following procedure.

Start EMP SlideMaker2 and set the scenario properties (such as scenario name, background color, and image quality). s p.71

Include the files to be used in the scenario.

s "Including PowerPoint Files in Scenarios" p.73

s "Including Image and Movie Files in Scenarios" p.77

Sort the included files into the desired order to complete the scenario. s p.78

qOnce the scenario has been created, carry out the steps in "Sending Scenarios". s p.79

Setting Scenario Properties


A Select "Start" - "Programs" (or "All Programs") -

"EPSON Projector" - "EMP SlideMaker2".

EMP SlideMaker2 starts, and the scenario properties are displayed.

B Select your scenario properties, then click "OK".

For more information, see below.