Chapter 4 Adjustment
Rev. A 4-
The head angular means the angle at which the printhead unit i nstalled on the carriage assembly against
the carriage movement direct ion and the printhead must be parallel with the carr iage movement direction so
that the lines printed with each nozzle are ev enly positioned. Therefore, this adjustm ent should be made
when the following service is made:
Replacing or removing the printhead uni t
The head angular actually set by the adjust lev er i nstalled on the carriage assembly and the program pri nt
the check pattern to see the level of head angul ar.
1. Before performing this adjustment , be sure to perform “VH Setting” (Ref er t o section
2. At the main menu [SCREEN-4], input “ 3” t o select “Angular Adjust Print” and press ENTER key.
3. Check to see if the lines printed in MAGENTA color i s positioned in the middle of two BLACK
lines with the check pattern printed by the program . If the position of MAGENTA lines are
incorrect, input “K” at the main menu and the carriage assembly m oves to the middle of the printer.
Then, loosen a screw (No.3) fixing “FASTNER, HEAD” and shif t the position of angular adjust
level located at the right bott om of the carriage assembly to either f orward (move MAGENTA
line to down) or backward (move MAGENTA line to up).
4. After adjusting the position of angular adj ust lever, input “3” to print the check patt ern and
verify the angular lev el. If the level is still not correct, repeat the step 3.
5. If the level is correct, input “K” again and ti ghten a screw to fix “FASTNER, HEAD”. Then, at
the menu [SCREEN-6], input “Y” and press ENTER key to complete the adjustment .
Printed pattern
Printed pattern
Angular Adjust Lever
(Right bottom of the Carriage Assembly)
Shift the lever to:
Shift the lever to:
Figure 4-6. Head Angular Adjustment