Chapter2 Operating Principles
Rev. A 2-1
In the paper pick up mechanism of Styl us Col or 600, same mechanism as Stlylus Color IIs/820
are applied. This mechanism changes adjoined li nes of gear by colliding trigger lever with carriage
unit and convey the motiv e power on t he pl aten to the ASF side(paper roller). The f i gure below
shows mechanism with explanation.
[2. Paper pick up mechanism]
When the Load/Eject switch is pressed or printing order i s input, the carriage unit moves unti l
the left edge and collides with paper pick up tri gger lever. When the carriage colli des with this trigger
level, a planetary gear located on the sam e axis is also pushed at the same time and conveys
the motive power on the platen to the adjoi ned gear line side for ASF drive.
[3. Paper feed mechanism]
After papers in the ASF receive cont r ol s from pick up and multi feed pr ev ention mechanism, they are
sent to the printer inside. The papers picked up by paper roll er i n the ASF goes to between platen
and roller support. Also, the eject roller pushes out the paper c om pletely until the end and the roller support
drops the paper in the eject tray. The eject roller is dri v en with an eject paper notched roller as pair where is
located on the paper eject roller. Paper eject notched r ol ler solves the deflection of paper t hat is in the
between platen eject notched roller and paper eject rol ler and always keep a certain space
between print head and paper surface. The figure below shows paper feed mechani sm .
ASF Roller Drive Gear
Planetary Gear
ASF Roller Transmission Gear
Platen Roller Drive Gear
Platen Roller Transmission Gear
PF Motor Pinion Gear
Eject Roller
Transmission Gear
Eject Roller Drive Gear
Paper Pick Up
Trigger Lever
Figure 2-10. Paper Pick Up Mechanism
Eject Notched Roller
Eject Roller
PF Roller
Support Roller
Figure 2-11.Paper Feed Mechanism