EPSON Stylus Color 600 Service Manual
Rev. A
This section describes the detail procedure of each adjustm ent.
4.2.1 Paper Gap Adjustment
The paper gap is a distance between nozzle surface of the pri nthead unit and a paper surface and is
adjusted to specified gap at the assembly. Therefore, if the carri age assembly is rem oved from the printer
mechanism for any reason, this adjustment should be m ade to fix the gap.
Do not scratch the surface of “PAPER GUIDE, FRONT;B” and “ROLLER, ASSEMBLY, PF”.
Be careful not to damage or make dirty the nozzle surface of the printhead unit.
[Paper gap - Right-hand side Adjustment]
1. Attach both “BUSH, PARALLEL ADJUST” (L/R) to the side fram e and align the position mark on
top edge of it to a notch on the edge of the side f r am e.
2. Set “LEVER, PG” to front side (Position “0”).
3. Move the carriage assembly to the middl e, and put the thickness gauge at the position specified i n
he figure.
4. Move the carriage assembly over the t hi ckness gauge.
The thickness gauge must be placed on a flat surface of the ribs of “PAPER GUIDE, FRONT;B”.
During adjustment, always pull the timing belt to move the carriage as s em bly.
5. Shift the position of “BUSH, PARALLEL ADJUST, RIGHT” to backward (Gap: Nar r ower) unt i l when
the thickness gauge starts sliding together with the carriage assembl y when you m ove it to right
and left for about 20mm.
6. At the point of above step, shift t he position of “BUSH, PARALLEL ADJUST, RIGHT” for one notch
to forward (Gap: Wider).
7. Then, confirm that the thickness gauge do not sli de when you move the carriage assembly, with
either “LEVER, PG” is at position “0” or “+”.
[Paper gap - Left-hand side Adjustment]
8. Repeat the above step 2 to 7 with “BUSH, PARALLEL ADJUST, LEFT”.
[Gap Confirmation]
9. Repeat the step 3 to 4 again.
10. Confirm that the thickness gauge do not sli de when you move the carriage assembly to right and
left for above 20mm.
11. Shift the position of “BUS H, PARALLEL ADJUST, RIGHT” for one notch to backward (Gap:
Narrower) and confirm that the thickness gauge is slidi ng by moving the carriage assembly. If not,
return to step 1 and repeat adjustment again.
12. If the gap is correct, shift “ B US H, PARALLEL ADJUST, RIGHT” for one notch to forward (Gap:
13. Fix both bushes with 2 screws (1 each : No.1).
When the paper gap adjustment complete, conf irm that the overl ap of printhead nose and “CLEANER,
1. Move the carriage assembly next to “CLEANE R, HEAD”.
2. Conf irm that the overlap of printhead nose and top edge of “CLE ANER, HEAD” is more than