EPSON Stylus Color 600 Service Manual
Rev. A
3.2.5 Disassembling the Printer Mechanism
This section describes the procedures for removi ng t he main components consisting the printer mechani sm. Printhead Removal

1. Removing the upper housing. (Refer to secti on 3.2.1)
2. Rotate “Gear, 67.2” (largest gear at the left-hand side of the printer mechanism) toward the front t o
disengage the carriage lock mechanism, and mov e the carriage assembly to the middle of the
3. Remove both black and color ink cartr i dges.
4. Remove both carriage cover assembli es from the carriage.
5. Remove “Twist Spring, 49” at left-hand side of the carriage and remove 1 screw (No.3) fi x ing
“FASTNER, HEAD”. Then, remove “FASTNER, HEA D” f rom the carriage.
6. Unhook the flat cables from the carri age assembly and tae out the printhead unit from t he
7. Disconnect the cables from the connector of t he printhead unit.
Notice that the grounding plate is installed in correct position. (there are two fixing pins in t he
Be sure that fixing pin of the carriage is correctly located into t he cut out of the printhead unit.
Once the ink cartridge is removed, it is not re-usable and always ins t all brand-new ink cartridge
before returning the printer to the user.
When returning the printer to the user, be sure that the ink cartridge is inst alled and the carriage
is at the capping position. (Turn the printer off while the carriage is at the capping pos it ion and
pack it)
Print Head
Carriage Assembly
Make sure that protrusion
of carriage is in the hole
of the earth board.
This part should
be touching the
CR axis receiver.
Make sure that this
protrusion is in the
U ditch of the priht head
Figure 3-7.Printhead Installation