EPSON Stylus Color 600 Service Manual
Rev. A
2 Pump Assembly and Cap Assembly Removal

1. Removing the upper housing. (Refer to Sect ion 3.2.1)
2. Removing the control panel assembly. (Refer t o section 3.2.3)
3. Removing “Waste Ink Pad Assembly”. (Ref er to section 3.2.4)
4. Loosen 2 screws (No.1) fixing the exit fram e assembly and disengage the frame from the side
frames. Then, put the printer mechani sm on its back as you see the bottom of the mechanism.
5. At the right-hand of the mechanism, unhook t he cap assembly by releasing one hook and take out
the cap assembly by lifting up the right end of it. (Note that the cap assembly is still connected to
the pump assembly by the ink tube.)
6. Remove 2 screws (No.5) fixing the pump assembl y to the frame.
7. Unhook the pump assembly by releasing one hook and slide the pump assembly to the right
direction to remove it.
Be careful not to damage rubber part of the cap assembly. (Damaging the rubber part causes
incomplete capping and the nozzle condition become unstable.)
Be careful with the followings when you handle “CLEANER, HEAD”:
•EDo not handle it with bare hands and avoid attaching any oil or dust.
•EMake sure that the rubber side of “CLEANER, HEAD” is facing to the right .
Be careful not to popping the components from the pump assembly when y ou r em ov e it from the
mechanism, as there is a spring inside the pump assembly.
Be sure that the ink tube from the cap assembly is routed to t he c or r ec t position and not pinched
by the cap assembly ad the frame.
Verify that “CLEANER, HEAD” moves smoothly by rotating “GEAR, 67. 2” after you re-assemble
the pump assembly. (Hold the cap assembly to the right while you rotating the gear for c hec k )


Viewed from front
(Ink tube goes behind of
the cap assembly)
(The ink tube is on the part of
the cap assembly)
Ink Tube Routing
Figure 3-9. Ink Tube Routing