Chapter2 Operating Principles
Rev. A 2-
Two groups which are divided according to each elements will be divided either even dot or
odd dot when particular lines(level di r ec t ion line) are formed and eventual ly, these lines will be
completed at selected resolution. Foll owing is a conceptual figure when full ov erlap micro-
weave orms a particular line.
Note 3) The way firmware decides which nozzle becomes even dot or odd dot is determined
as it is described below.
If the line which is about to be printed is ev en line:
First dot prints odd dot lines and 2nd dot prints even dot lines.
If the line which is about to be printed is odd l i ne:
1st dot prints even dot lines and 2nd dot prints odd dot li nes. Eventually, horizontal resolution
will be the same resolution as selected one.
[2.Part Line Overlap Micro-Weave]
This printing method is to perform M i cro-Weave printing, ov erlapping a part of nozzles which are
used for printing. As a result, a part of raster whic h i s overlapped consists of different browse with
different nozzles. The figure bel ow shows 1-line Ov erlap at 5-dot sending as an example with
explanation on the next page.
Nozzle No.#9Nozzle No.#4


Particular line(Completed line)
Condition: 360-dpi printing
Nozzle: Total 10 nozzle/each color
Figure 2-5. Full Overlap Micro-Weave







Raster 10
Raster 1
Note1: The paper feed pitch is 5/360-dpi in this figure.
Note2: Mark of and mean overlap nozzle.
Figure 2-6. Part line Overlap Micro-Weave