EPSON Stylus Color 600
Rev. A
Timer Data: The timer IC that uses lithium batt ery as power source monitors how
long the power is off. When the power is turned on, it is changed to
appropriate cleaning level accordi ng to the time that the power is off.
Serial Data: The gate array receives serial data through the t r anscei ver IC.
Parallel I/F control: With the use of IEEE1284 Nibble mode, it became possible not only to
receive the data from the host but al so to return various information
which the printer possesses to the host.
[Common Driver IC]
The trapezoidal wave form cir c ui t for head drive is became to HIC f rom the previous discreate structure.
Because of this, it is not necessary to adjust the adjustable VR on t he board during production process.
Various electric charge/discharge control signals are all processed in the HI C.
[CR/PF Motor Drive Circuit]
Constant current drive is performed by t he HIC. Out of this, only CR Motor is control led for Micro-Step
control and HIC becomes possible to flow the appropriate current value at each steps. (PF Motor has only
1-2, 2-2phase drive method). Also, bipol ar dr i ve is performed on the 4 cables indiv idually. Following
pages explain each major control circui t.