EPSON Stylus Color 600
Rev. A
This section explains printing method of actual printing such as printing text at v arious resolution
select/printing mode and graphics printing. In order to prevent white or color banding which are pecul i ar
problem of ink-jet, new Micro-W eave functions are added to the previ ous Mi cro-Weave function. The
number of nozzles and printing mode accordi ng t o the selected resolution are used separately by a user.
The table below shows relation between selected resolution and printing m ode.
1) Full Overlap Micro-W eave
2) Part Line Overlap Micro-W eav e
3) Micro-Weave: (same as previ ous control)
Table 2-1. Resolution and Printing mode
mode Paper feed
Not used
360 FOL M/W 15/360 #16•`#30 --- #1•`#15 #31•`#32
M/W 31/360 --- #1•`#31 --- #32
720 FOL M/W 15/720 #16•`#30 --- #1•`#15 #31•`#32
POL M/W 29/720 #30•`#32 #4•`#29 #1•`#3 ---
M/W means Micro-Weav e.
FOL means Full Overlap Mic r o- W eave.
POL means Part line Overlap Mi c r o- W eave
Forward Overlap-Nozzle and backward Overl ap -Nozzle are described in the [1.Full Ov erlap
Mirco-Weave] and [2.Part l i ne Overlap Micro-Weave] below.
Following explains operation outlines of new Micro-Weave functions listed abov e.
[1. Full Overlap Micro-Weave]
In order to print one line at horizontal di rection, this printing method is designed to com plete a printing
pattern by two-pass carriage operation with two different ty pes of dot. When this two different types of dot
pass one same line twice, it does not print the same dot twice.
The nozzles whose configuration completely m atch to the black and CMY nozzle are used.
(Usually Micro-Weave type)
Therefore, all nozzles in case of CMY nozzl e and #1•`#63 nozzles in the B2 line in case of
black head are its objects. (B1 line is not used at Micr o- W eave. Refer to figure1-1 f or det ail of
nozzle configuration.)
Out of these 4 color nozzle objects, the number of all nozzles which are going to be used are
divided equally into 2 groups.
Paper feeding will be done as many as each number of nozzles which are divided i nto two
groups and the same number of dots.(for exampl e, if there are two 10-nozzle groups during
360-dpi printing at longitudinal di r ec t ion, paper feeding of 10/360-inch becomes av ailable.)
At this time, two groups perform Mic r o- W eave individually and par t icular lines are passed by
two different nozzles.
These nozzles which are divided into two groups must be set and div ided in order to
be a pair of odd and even number.