LQ-670 Service Manual
Rev. A
Refer to the tables below and it can be easily determined if a particular part is defective or not by checking
the coil resistance of the motor or continuity of the transistor using multimeter.
Connector No. Common pin
No. Test pin No. Test method Meter Reading
(CR motor) 5 1,2,3,4 Place one lead of the multimeter on
pin 5 and the other lead on each
terminal of 4-phase.
(At 25 °C)
(PF Motor) -- 1,2,3,4 Place one lead of the mulimeter on
one pin and the other lead on each
(At 25 °C)
Transistor No. Test Method* Meter Reading
Q1∼Q24 Connect the lead of the
multimeter between the base of
the transistor and collector or
between the base and the
emitter. Also, reverse + and −
and check it.
It is normal as long as it is not
completely opened or not
completely closed.
Note*)Turn off the printer and set the multimeter for measuring resistance or diode checking mode.
Detector Connector No. Test Method Normal Values
(Front PE detector) Connect one lead of the multimeter on
the pin 1 and, the other side to the pin2
and change over the actuator of the
Change over Open/Short
(Rear PE detector) Connect one lead of the multimeter on
the pin 1 and, the other side to the pin2
and change over the actuator of the
Change over Open/Short
(Release detector) Connect one lead of the multimeter on
the pin 1 and, the other side to the pin2
and change over the actuator of the
Change over Open/Short
(PG switch) Connect one lead of the multimeter on
the pin 1 and, the other side to the pin2
and change over the actuator of the
Change over Open/Short
Table 5-5. Coil Resistance of the Motor
Table 5-6. Test Points of the Print Head Driver
Table 5-7. Test Points of the Detectors