4.To use the EMP Link V software, or to program new effects for the Effects buttons on the remote control, connect one end of the PC serial cable to the SERIAL terminal on the main cable.

5.Connect the other end of the serial cable to the serial port on the back of your computer.

6.Tighten the screws on the connectors.

Connecting the Audio Cable

1.If you’ll be using audio, connect one end of the 3.5-mm audio cable to the Audio port on the projector.


You won’t be able to use EMP Link V if your laptop has only one serial port that’s being used to support a serial mouse.

Audio port

audio cable

2.Connect the other end of the audio cable to your laptop’s headphone jack. (Jack locations vary; see your computer manual if you’re not sure of which jack to use.)

Setting Up the Projector 23