You can purchase printed manuals, accessories, or parts for EPSON products from EPSON Accessories. Call (800) 873-7766 (U.S. sales only) from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Pacific time. In Canada, call (800) BUY EPSON.

If you purchased your computer outside the United States or Canada, contact your EPSON dealer or the marketing location nearest you for customer support and service.

If you need help with any software application program you are using, see the documentation for that program for technical support information.

Electronic Support Services

If you have a modem, the fastest way to access helpful tips, specifications, drivers, application notes, and bulletins for EPSON products is through the online services below.


To access electronic support services, you must have a modem. You can use a fax/modem PC card or connect an external modem to your serial port.

7-2 Troubleshooting