If this does not work, turn off the computer, wait 30 seconds, and turn it back on.

Your Password Isn’t Working

If you type the password and then see the password prompt again, type the password again and press Enter.

If the computer locks up, turn it off and wait 30 seconds before you turn it on and try again.

Make sure the Num Lock and Caps Lock keys are in the same state as when you created the password.

If you have forgotten your password, call the EPSON Connection for assistance.

You Can’t Access Data on a Diskette

IRemove the diskette and insert it again, making sure the label is facing up.

IMake sure the diskette is either 720KB or 1.44MB.

IIf the write-protect switch is set and you are trying to save a file to the diskette, either use a different diskette, or move the write-protect switch.

7-10 Troubleshooting