Routine Printer Cleaning

Note: Locate some isopropyl alcohol to use for cleaning purposes before proceeding.

1.Make sure the printer is turned off; then disconnect the power cord from the wall outlet. Also be sure that the printer cover is open and that the basket is removed from the printer.

CAUTION: This procedure exposes the green drum unit, which is in the basket. Because the drum is light-sensitive, it should not be exposed to room light for any longer than necessary (a few minutes at most). Thus, it is recommended that you cover the drum unit with a soft cloth or sheet of paper whenever the drum is exposed.

2.Locate a cotton swab.

3.With the printer cover open, locate the transfer charger wire and the discharge wire, which are in indentations at the bottom of the printer, beneath where the basket normally rests. These wires are thin and difficult to see.


6-20 Maintenance and Transportation