7: Memory Management Unit
7.5 Fault address and fault status registers
On an abort, the MMU places an encoded 4-bit value, FS[3:0], along with the 4-bit encoded
domain number, in the data FSR, and the MVA associated with the abort is latched into the
FAR. If an access violation simultaneously generates more than one source of abort, they are
encoded in the priority given in Table 7-9.

7.5.1 Fault Status

Table 7-9 describes the various access permissions and controls supported by the data MMU
and details how these are interpreted to generate faults.
Note: Alignment faults can write either b0001 or b0011 into FS[3:0]. Invalid values in
domains [3:0] can occur because the fault is raised before a valid domain field has
been read from a page table descriptor. Any abort masked by the priority encoding
can be regenerated by fixing the primary abort and restarting the instruction.
Table7-9 Priority encoding of fault status
Priority Source Size Status Domain FAR
Highest Alignment - b00x1 Invalid MVA of access
causing abort
Translation Section
Page b0101
b0111 Invalid
Valid MVA of access
causing abort
Domain Section
Page b1001
b1011 Valid
Valid MVA of access
causing abort
Permission Section
Page b1101
b1111 Valid
Valid MVA of access
causing abort
Lowest External abort on noncachable
nonbufferable access or
noncachable bufferable read
Page b1000
b1010 Valid
Valid MVA of access
causing abort