6: The Bus Interface
6.4.4 HBURST[2:0]
HBURST[2:0] indicates the type of burst generated by the ARM720T core, as shown in
Tabl e 6-3.
For more details of burst operation, see the
AMBA Specification (Rev 2.0)
6.4.5 HPROT[3:0]
HPROT[3:0] is the protection control bus. These signals provide additional information about
a bus access and are primarily intended to enable a module to implement an access permission
These signals indicate whether the transfer is:
an opcode fetch or data access
a privileged-mode access or User-mode access.
For bus masters with a memory management unit, these signals also indicate whether the
current access is cachable or bufferable.
Table 6-4 shows the protection control encodings as produced from the ARM720T core.
Some bus masters are not capable of generating accurate protection information, so it is
recommended that slaves do not use the HPROT[3:0] signals unless strictly necessary.
Table6-3 Burst type encodings
HBURST[2:0] Type Description
b000 SINGLE Single transfer
b001 INCR Incrementing burst of
unspecified length
b101 INCR8 8-beat incrementing burst
Table6-4 Protection control encodings
cachable HPROT[2]
bufferable HPROT[1]
privileged HPROT[0]
data/opcode Description
- - - 0 Opcode fetch
- - - 1 Data access
- - 0 - User access
- - 1 - Privileged access
- 0 - - Not bufferable
- 1 - - Bufferable
0 - - - Not cachable
1- - - Cachable